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For the inaugural episode of the GamesLifer Podcast, Rik invited fellow Videator from the 1990s Sky TV show Games World, Alex Verrey, to talk about his first steps in the world of gaming, how he got the part of Big Boy Barry, and his most recent appearances on the reboot of GamesMaster.
They also chat about Verrey’s further career in the games industry, which he still is an active member of today.
We also get to find out Alex’s five most memorable games from the last few decades – not just the best, but the ones that are special to him for one reason or another.
That’s a mainstay of the GamesLifer Podcast – each episode tasks its guests to reveal the games that are most significant to them. Some of the results are surprising, some filled with stories where you might need a hanky or two to hand.
It is hosted by Rik Henderson and dedicated to either games industry figureheads or simply those for whom gaming has been a massive part of their lives. We get to hear an hour or more of their journey and it’s always riveting.
As well as Spotify, the GamesLifer Podcast is available on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Amazon Music, and through RSS.
We encourage you to also check out the other episodes of the GamesLifer Podcast. They include guests of the likes of Dominik Diamond, the host of GamesMaster in the 90s, former editor of GameSpot, Guy Cocker, and host of YouTube channel Tech Spurt, Chris Barraclough.
We will be recording new episodes soon, so watch this space for more on who will be next in the GamesLifer Podcast chair.
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